Pet Educational Links

A curated collection of online resources to help pet owners learn and care for their furry companions.

a brown cat

Good Nutrition Is Important

Maintaining a healthy diet for your pets can be a challenge. With all the delicious pet foods and yummy snacks available, knowing what’s best for your furry family can be difficult. Visit the Hill’s website or Purina’s website for more information about our recommended nutrition for your pet.


Parasites, Pets and People

Visit the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) website for more information about parasites that can affect your pets.

State, regional, and local information about parasites such as heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tick-borne diseases is available on this informational site.



Click here to visit the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society’s website and learn more about veterinary acupuncture.


OFA X-Rays

Visit to access information about Orthopedic Foundation for Animals registration and results.

heart health

Heart Health

Learning that your pet has heart disease can be overwhelming. Visit these sites to learn more about your pet’s condition and what to expect. YourCatsHeart.

Become A Veterinarian

Do You Want To Become A Veterinarian?

Vet Set Go is the first and only online community for aspiring veterinarians. If you want to become a veterinarian, visit Vetsetgo today. You’ll see videos of veterinarians as they practice, listen to veterinarians as they answer questions from future veterinarians, play veterinary games, and so much more. Today, you can take the first step in becoming a veterinarian.